Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Has Arrived!!!

Mom and I shopping on black Friday and barley fitting in the truck!
Good afternoon!! How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great! I got to see family I don't get to see too often and as always ate way too much food!! So it's been a long crazy day for me already! I was up at 6am and out the door with my Mom at 6:40am for some black Friday shopping. So we started our shopping trip with Toy-R-Us. Let me tell you, GREAT deals and no long lines! We ended up getting about $450 worth of toys for the kiddos for around $230!!!! AMAZING!!! Then we headed over to the mall and hit Old Navy, which today everything in the store is 50% off! Then we made our way to Aeropostale, again great deals as everything in the store was 60% off!! Sears was having great sales on electronics and clothing for the kiddos, and Mom got herself a new pair of boots to wrap and put under the tree from Santa! We spent about an hour there and headed to our last stop, Home Depot. Now this was where it got crazy! The place was jam packed but they had by far the best deals of the day and they were so in stock, they're definitely not running out of stuff today! They also had free donuts and coffee! It was a fun morning and got some great deals. Next year we'll be taking a bigger vehicle though! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your black Friday! Did any of you go shopping this morning? Where did you find the best deals?? I may go take a nap now or maybe now that I have the shopping bug I'll start looking at sales for cyber Monday!!

Love & Light,



  1. This is a very cute blog! Being a 'mommie', I can definitely relate... Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you very much, us Mommies have to stick together!!

  2. I always fear for mommies and their children in those terrifying mobs outside of those stores that open at midnight. I hope you were all holding hands and had knee pads on!!!

    1. Don't worry there were no mobs, no long lines, and no kiddos allowed on this trip!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Black Friday is always a crazy time. Nice to hear you got some nice deals. I just wanted to say that I learned a lot about blogs from just looking over yours. As a first time blogger any and all information is useful, from layout, to gadgets and creativity.

  5. This year I found that Black Friday was not as crazy as usually. I came to the conclusion that it was probably more calm than usual because everyone was out on actual Thanksgiving day. Which I think is horrible because that is time were you should be with your family. But to each is own! Great Blog!

  6. Black Friday! I had a amazing time. This year was the first time I participated in Black Friday. I was a bit terrified, due to previous articles and tragedy's that happened at this worldwide event throughout earlier years. Although there was a lot of chaos this year as well, I'm just happy everything went dandy in the places I shopped. This is a very cool blog, I enjoyed looking around and reading your posts!
